Sunday, June 19, 2016

Second Trimester

Time is flying! Crazy to think that in just a few months we'll be meeting our girl. Here are some bump pictures from the second trimester.

It's fun to see what fruit or veggie the app says the baby is. This week was a cantaloupe! Although some we have never heard of, and how can a baby ever be compared to a stalk of celery? 

Nicknames: We usually refer to her as "'the baby," although Ty will call her by the name we are thinking of occasionally. Turns out, Tyler and I agree on most things, except baby names. Hopefully she'll have one by the time we go to the hospital!!

Gender: We found out it is a girl!! The doctor had told us at one of our previous ultrasounds that it was looking more like it was a girl than a boy, so it was a little anti-climatic. But, we are super excited!! Bring on all the girly pink things!

Feeling: For the most part, just fine! I have been really lucky. The only complaint is hip pain while I sleep, so I have taken to sleeping with all of Ty's pillows which helps. He is very concerned he won't get them back after the pregnancy. Also, nesting is a real thing! I did a bunch of organizing, rearranging, cleaning, and buying all the things for the baby.

Food: The sweet tooth definitely came back second semester. Now I want all the sugary cereal and ice cream.

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